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Wellness Care

We provide examinations, vaccinations, parasite control and nutritional counselling as part of annual office visits.

Because our pets age faster than humans and can’t tell us when something isn’t right, it is very important to have a physical examination once a year. Our doctors will work with you to keep your friend healthy. If detected early, many illnesses are easily treated. It is our goal to help your pet live a long and happy life.

Preventive Care

Clients are used to vaccinations as preventive care, but just as important is nutritional consulting, weight management and managing chronic diseases. We have a wide array of examination, laboratory and radiology services for dealing with weight loss, lameness and other health conditions.

Geriatric Care

Pain relief and organ dysfunction/failure make up the bulk of geriatric medicine. Multimodal approaches to the individual can improve the quality of life pets enjoy in their “Golden Years”.